2020-2024 with M.A. students (3 ECTS):
- Usable Privacy Seminar for M.A. students (designed and conducted by me)
- Advanced Statistics Seminar for M.A. students (designed and conducted together with two other researchers)
Advanced Study Projects (9/10 ECTS)
2020-present supervising projects with M.A. students on the following topics:
Machine Learning
- LLM-based fact-checking
- RAGs for information retrieval
- Comparison of GANs and Fusion Models for generating synthetic medical records
- Coding competition for SDG detection in sustainability reports from various companies
- Implementation and evaluation of different XAI approaches
- Advanced HCI experimental design and testing
- Usable Privacy
- Design of privacy-preserving and user-friendly data processing workflows
- Design and construction of smart hydroponic systems
Projekt Medienerstellung (6CTS)
2020-2023 supervising B.A. students on the following topics:
Data-driven dashboard design
- Development of COVID monitoring dashboard comparing relevant information worldwide
- Development of data-driven dashboard for plant-growth monitoring of hydroponic systems
- App-development for location-tracking and location identification
2020-2023 Exercise supporting the lecture Usability Engineering
Master and Bachelor theses supervision
2020-present supervision of overall 21 theses projects over the past 5 years::
- 15 Master theses
- 6 Bachelor theses