BMBF Project: news-polygraph

news-polygraph - Multimodal Orchestration for Media-Content Verification; Teilvorhaben 3: TextBase: Textbasierte Analyseverfahren für Multi-Modale Fake-News Identifizierung (largest research project on multimodal disinformation detection in Germany)

Grant Duration: 2023-05 to 2026-04



The news-polygraph project brings together partners from industry, media, and research to work on effective solutions to integrate AI as intelligent decision support in the information verification workflow. Hereby, the XplaiNLP team from TU Berlin will focus on the analysis of disinformation of text sources.

Project partners

Industry: Ubermetrics, delphai, Crowdee, neurocat, transfermedia

Media: Deutsche Welle, RBB

Research: DFKI, TUB, Fraunhofer IDMT


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Berlin, Berlin, DE)

Funding RUBIN BMBF (total funding volume for news-polygraph 12,775,884€)

Funding for TU Berlin: EUR 1,492,547