Research Projects and Acquired Funding
Overall funding aquired EUR 4.068.066
EU Marie Curie Funding: EUR 521.978
BMBF: EUR 3.217.888
Other: EUR 329.100
Projects Starting Soon
EU Project: Privacy for Smart Speech Technology (PSST)
Grant Duration: 04/2025 to 03/2028, Aquired funding amount: EUR 521.978
Partners: AALTO University, EUROCOM GIE, INESC ID, Stitching Radboud University, Institut National De Recherche, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Berlin
Running Projects
BMBF Research Group Funding: VeraXtract
Grant Duration: 09/2024 to 08/2027, Grant Number: 01IS24066, Aquired funding amount: EUR 1.403.742
Funding acquired to build up and further extend the XplaiNLP research group within the Quality and Usability Lab of Prof. Möller at the TU Berlin. This funding enables me to be the research group lead with the right to supervise PhD students on my own (Promotionsrecht). Associate partners are DW, dpa, Ubermetrics GmbH, delphai GmbH, DFKI, Prof. Beck and Prof. Meyer.
Associated Partners: dpa, DW, Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH, delphai GmbH, nyonic GmbH, SLT DFKI, Prof. Möller (TUB), Prof. Meyer (Tel Aviv University), Prof. Beck (TUB)
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Access recent interview about my research group here
BMBF Project: news-polygraph
Grant Duration: 05/2023 to 04/2026, Grant Number: 01IS24066, Aquired funding amount: EUR 1.492.547
The news-polygraph project is the biggest research project funded by the BMBF in Germany on mis-and disinformation detection with an overall funding volume of RUR 13.216.784. It brings together partners from industry, media, and research to work on effective solutions to integrate AI as intelligent decision support in the information verification workflow. Hereby, the XplaiNLP team from TU Berlin will focus on the analysis of disinformation of text sources and XAI.
Partners: DW, rbb, QUL TU Berlin, DFKI, Fraunhofer IDMT, Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH, delphai GmbH, Crowdee GmbH, neurocat GmbH, Transfermedia GmbH
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BIFOLD Agility Project: FakeXplain
Grant Duration: 11/2024 to 10/2027, Aquired funding amount: EUR 269.100
The FakeXplain project aims to examine different approaches to generating explanations of AI systems used for human-AI collaboration for the disinformation detection task. Explainability approaches such as attention-based explanations, attribution-based explanations, and computational argumentation will be examined throughout the project, but also recent approaches such as Chain-of-Thought Prompting and Mechanistic Interpretability will be examined concerning their meaningfulness and understandability to human users. Project partners.
Partners: Prof. Rieck (TUB), Prof. Samek (Fraunhofer HHI), Prof. Möller (TUB), Prof. Meyer (Tel Aviv University)
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Grant Duration: 05/2023 to 04/2026, Grant Number: 16KIS2047, Aquired funding amount: EUR 321.600
The VERANDA project is dedicated to applied research into informational self-determination. This includes the analysis, conception, and implementation of information about risks and the sovereign handling of personal data. The project focuses on both the individual and societal level. Specifically, we are looking at the use case of self-determination over personal and highly sensitive medical data in the area of highly stigmatized groups.
Partners: BIH and IfSS Charité, Q&U Lab Technische Universität Berlin, SLT German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Fraunhofer AISEC
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Past Projects
DFG Project: Monetary Evaluation of Location Information
Grant Duration: 02/2020 to 01/2023, Grant Number: MO 1038/28-1, Total funding amount: EUR 233,220
The project goal is to evaluate different methods for the monetary evaluation of privacy. Different user experiments have been conducted, to examine how the monetary valuation relates to various privacy constructs (e.g. privacy concern, awareness, privacy behavior, privacy literacy) and personality traits (e.g. Big 5, passive and active risk-taking, and state of hunger). I was the project leader, but did not acquire the funding for this project!
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Climate Change Center Berlin: ateSDF
Grant Duration: 03/2023 to 12/2023, Aquired funding amount: EUR 60,000
The ateSDG project is funded by the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) announced by the UN in 2015 are integrated into the Sustainability Reports of companies. To collect and aggregate information about the SDGs, Sustainability Reports from companies are analyzed and classified according to their contribution to one or multiple SDGs. The results are visualized in an SDG monitoring Dashboard for the Berlin Brandenburg region, to provide an overview, of which SDGs are worked on by different industry sectors.
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